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Member Since 15 May 2007
Offline Last Active Mar 07 2011 02:36 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Saving Our Bonfire Night Traditions ?

07 March 2011 - 02:36 PM

To anyone angry over the said ethnic community who are not so much minority anymore and as you all have noticed have a higher authority over us and their words are heard louder, bonkers the lot of it. But please dont keep voting for the same idiots that made all this happen in the first place as it just gets worse, the government played a social game that they know but wont admit failed the British electorates and that game was multiculturalism which has caused so many problems and one of them is the loosing of our traditions. I will come right out with it and say it as it is muslims are the people who they do not want to offend and as a free country and internet (for now!) I will and can say that and dont give a flying f**k what anyone says. I like many more are sick of this bullshit though we do need to stand against it and even now for our own hobby and Britain fireworks industry. How do fireworks offend a religion? if I was you I would have fired a display right near by, with allowance of course to piss the school off.


Most of what you've written here is rubbish, plain and simple.

If you were interested in supporting British traditions such as Bonfire then why not organize an event? Fundraise for yourself, pay for Insurance yourself and rekindle the flame in the local community. You could also help those already doing this by donating time/money to keep alive the events that are threatened. Ottery Tar Barrels have a PayPal donation facility on their website. Why not use it?

You seem to assume that it's only legal to set off fireworks past midnight for Diwali if you believe in the Hindu religion. This is simply not true. Are Jews banned from setting off fireworks after midnight on NYE as it isn't Jewish NY?? Don't be so ridiculous!

Do you have a citation to support your theory that ethnic minorities are not a minority in Britain, or have you simply made it up? I suppose most of the country is urban now too...

Many organisations need re-education in Health & Safety, and what a risk assessment actually is.

There isn't any competition with Bonfire as a tradition - you don't have to do anything to celebrate/commemorate it, but that's the choice of individuals. It's the same with religion - there's no reason why you can't encourage people to celebrate whatever it is they believe alongside everything else.

In Topic: Does anyone know how much contact you would need with copper oxide for it to...

01 December 2009 - 12:19 PM

A teaspoon-full in the morning cup of tea will do the job after a few weeks.... ;)

In Topic: Fireworks crazy

26 September 2009 - 03:10 PM

I was planning to attend, but something else has come up for tonight. Have a good one Mark!

In Topic: regs for cat4 storage

18 September 2009 - 10:00 AM

MSER 2005 Schedule 2 Reg 5(1) deals with separation distances. It's page 38 if you print it off.

There's also the MSER 2005 Guide which might be easier reading.

Kiss goodbye to the weekend...

In Topic: EU pyrotechnics directive call for comment

15 September 2009 - 12:29 PM

As a society we need to be more positive in our attitude & stance.

If we pushed for a firework school that anyone can join (subject to police checks etc), then the proper national qualifications will follow at a "sooner rather than later" date to clarify "CAT4 and specialist knowledge".

This government is hell bent on over-the-top legislation when concerning health & safety,.....so why don`t we take advantage of this consultation and sell them the benefits of a school for fireworks? (even if nothing happens immediately),...the benefits in the long term would far out weight anything the BPA has to offer on so many fronts.

I call it planting seeds!

So long as the government go with the Societies idea, and not with the BPA...

IF they decide that the BPA is the way forward we, as individuals, are still left as outsiders (unless UKPS can become a BPA-registered company).