Member Since 30 May 2007Offline Last Active May 29 2016 07:41 AM
bored and wondering if I can slink off early, to go home a construct my ball mill
Updated 26 Nov · 0 comments
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- Group General Public Members
- Active Posts 93
- Profile Views 16,750
- Member Title Member
- Age 53 years old
- Birthday April 1, 1971
UK, Leicestershire
Hobby mad, and able to stay a kid myself seeing as I have none that I know of.
Love things that are going against the general populus grain, the more wayout the better.
Been firework mad since I was 12 and back then you could buy them yourself at that age. Now rather interested in the actual composition, as well as the theories behind everything related.
Bit of a horder and now have an 18ft shed at the bottom of the garden which is rapidly filling up.
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