crystal palace fireworks
Member Since 11 Sep 2007Offline Last Active Oct 17 2016 05:43 PM
About Me
Ok, according to some past family rumours and in-depth family history studies I carried out about 18 years ago,........I was amazed to find out that Im related to the old established "Brock`s Fireworks" company/family via my great great grand father (John Brock b1817), occupation - `firework artist` (on a marriage certificate).
My firework hobbies/ambitions are as follows ;-
1, To one day devise/reconfigure some new types of fireworks that involve balloons, parachutes, spinning/flying devices etc which could be partly re-usable.
2, Help to contribute to the debate to create a small affordable firework manufacturing license in the UK thats geared for hobbyist pyro makers.
3, To see if its possible to create a national firework school with professional qualifications in firework making.
4, Helped dismantle Wells factory firework making sheds for transport to Amberley museum = achieved.
5, To establish a permanent firework exhibition at a museum site. = Underway at Amberley
6, To find some old intact firework compositions from yester-year. = Achieved (donated to the UKPS)
7, To see if its possible to work with local authorities and introduce legislation to create designated public spaces for families to let-off Cat 2&3 fireworks where back gardens are sometimes to small.
My particular pyro interests are;
Back Garden Displays = to keep this tradition alive for future generations and create new interesting ideas in this field along with incorporating stage effects for enjoyment & safety, and of course bonfires, I particularly like the old fireworks from the 1960`/70`s where I would love to see some of the banned stuff re- introduced in a safer more practical way which is possible & achievable.
Community Stats
- Group General Public Members
- Active Posts 950
- Profile Views 28,157
- Member Title Keith
- Age Age Unknown
- Birthday Birthday Unknown
Romford, Essex.
anything pyro/fire related, music, inventions, social history, genaelogy, british cooking,