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Member Since 07 Jan 2008
Offline Last Active Mar 02 2008 07:21 PM

Topics I've Started

Confusion Of Laws

24 February 2008 - 01:00 PM

Laws on this site state that it is illegal to manufacture explosives,Section 4 - Unauthorised manufacture of gunpowder and other explosive substance. But MSER has stated an allowance of 100g for experimentation, could someone shed some light on what is actually legal, I wouldn't want to be charged for something that I had read was legal, so If someone could clarify exactly what I can do. :ph34r:

Potassium Bromate?

18 February 2008 - 07:57 PM

Sorry if this has already been brought up. On the Powerlabs website there is the suggestion of using Potassium bromate with charcoal and sulphur. Is this mixture safe to use? I wouldn't make it anyway, but If anyone knows about potassium bromate stability I would appreciate it if you could post any info. :) All I know is that it's been banned from being used in bakery products in the UK because it may be carcinogenic, and it is a powerful oxidizer, comparable to potassium permanganate, but is it unstable like potassium permanganate? :huh:

Possesion Of Dangerous Chems Law?

10 February 2008 - 02:10 PM

I've read some articles on the BBC website about people who have had chems which could be potentially explosive, could this be applied to pyrotechnics? Even if we stick to a 100g limit, and explain that we are using it safely to make fireworks? I am concerned that amatuer pyrotechnicians could be labelled along with people who want to make b##bs. P.S sorry if this has already been brought up on this forum :wacko: .

Safest Flash Powder?

04 February 2008 - 05:40 PM

First of all I understand that any flash powder is dangerous, and should be treated with due respect, but I would like to know what mixtures of chemicals are more stable forms of flash powder, I'd rather not loose any part of my body :wacko: ......any comments are appreciated, If this has already been brought up in the forum could you give me the link, and sorry if it is. :D

Legality Of Fuse

10 January 2008 - 04:11 PM

Hey, I'm new to the forum and would like to say hello to all! anyway, my question is, is there any legal legislations about the possesion fuse?, e.g. quick match, visco etc. I would just like to know if there is a legal limit to own, I only have small amounts, but would just like some clarification. :)