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Member Since 10 Feb 2008
Offline Last Active Jul 17 2009 08:33 AM

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In Topic: 70/30 Magnalium

25 February 2008 - 01:27 AM

Let me tell you though, I just tried making a few stars with this stuff.......too powerful :o

After that test went up in smoke (literally) I made a 1/4 gram of flash with it. All I have to say is GOOD GOD.

Even burning the MgAl alone in open air was enough to crack a cermic plate (.5g). This is by far, the most frightening metal I've ever worked with :blink:

Could someone suggest a more practical application?


In Topic: Kclo3+lactose......

21 February 2008 - 10:03 PM

Wow, I didn't expect so many replies so quickly :)

At any rate, I have experimented with the Kno3+sugar and paraffin before, but didn't have any good results....perhaps too much wax to oxidizer? I would be interested in the potassium chlorate+ammonium chloride+lactose though. If, and only if, I could avoid ammonium chlorate formation.

Essentially I'm looking for a good quality non-toxic smoke that emits very little flame (or at least a cool burning flame)

In Topic: 70/30 Magnalium

14 February 2008 - 06:30 AM

Anyway, I think Winokur mentions the use of 70/30 MgAl in Pyrotechnica II in his glitter treatise. I'll have a look for you tomorrow. I know I've heard about it being used somewhere.

I would certainly appreciate that Mumbles!

In Topic: 70/30 Magnalium

12 February 2008 - 09:51 PM

Pyrotrev- That is what I assumed as well, similar handling properties for both % alloys. I suppose I will just do some small experiments too see :)

Icarus- For the Mag/Perc flash, I would assume you would want a 50/50 ratio instead. Otherwise, (in my experience at least) you just get a bright white flame. I myself wouldn't dare try that in actual flash though....less than .5g critical mass for the 50:50 Magnalium, so I wouldn't venture to guess what the 70:30 is.