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Member Since 25 Apr 2008
Offline Last Active May 02 2008 12:41 PM

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In Topic: University Student, Career, Help and Advice Please

28 April 2008 - 06:15 PM

Thanks for the advice. i failed to mention that i will be taking the exam i was just simply saying as far as our degree goes its not essential but i will be taking it.

Cheers for any further advice

In Topic: University Student, Career, Help and Advice Please

27 April 2008 - 10:41 PM

Hey guys. I am also a student on the SFX course at bolton and i thought it best that i write here instead of opening another thread.

You say that we should build up a showreel of effects we have done, what small scale effects could we easily do (coffee whitener etc) to start building this up. with this course we are taking part in at Somerset, there is the option for us at the end of the course to take the exam but it is not essential.

I have downloaded the regulations and plan on reading them throughley over the next couple of days to get to grips with whats possible by us and what isnt and seeing if this can be implimented into our other projects.
