[font=Arial][size=5][color=#FF6666][i]Guys, I don't post alot on this site. Probably cause I'm a Yank from across the pond, but I have the answers to the sand in the eyes sensation after welding. It is a bit off the topic, but I just had to add it because I know how to get rid of it.
When I was younger my father used to weld on cars alot when he would do bodywork on them. I burnt my eyes really bad one night to the point that I had to go to the hospital. The doctor on duty told my dad to take me home, cut up a large potato, put it into a washcloth, wet it and put it over my eyes. The next morning my eyes were all caked up and were a bit fuzzy, but it cleared them up nicely. I have been welding for about 15 years now and I still use it to this day. It really works.
Byron Johnson
Majestyk Pyrotechnics
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In Topic: Coloured Flashes And Flash Pots
25 July 2006 - 02:27 AM
01 April 2004 - 04:44 AM
[SIZE=7] [FONT=Arial] I hope that if anyone would like to talk with me off the forum that they will use Messenger to contact me. I am always glad to talk with anyone who is truely pyro inclined. I do not and will not condone the so-called "charge-boys" or those who are just out to see how big of a bang they can make. True pyro's are very hard to find. I do like to see things go bang but for me the real thrill to what we do is the look on the faces of children (no age given,LOL) who look at what we do with awe. I am in it for the beauty that we create, not for the bangs. Okay, Okay, no as I climb down from my soapbox I would like to thank the moderaters for allowing me to join this forum. I hope that I will have many good chats here. My primary Msn Messenger ID is firewoksjunkie, if anyone would like to chat off forum. I work nights, so I am on between 2:30 am and 4:00 am CST USA time-zone.
31 March 2004 - 08:47 AM
hello all,
i have had a pyro website up on geocities for almost 2 years and have had no problems. We do not use it to sell things though.
Majestyk Pyrotechnics
I put this site up for people to look at while we make our new site using dreamweaver. Will let you know when the new one is running. Great forum by the way.
i have had a pyro website up on geocities for almost 2 years and have had no problems. We do not use it to sell things though.
Majestyk Pyrotechnics
I put this site up for people to look at while we make our new site using dreamweaver. Will let you know when the new one is running. Great forum by the way.
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