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Member Since 05 May 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 13 2006 08:25 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: small videos of constructing devices

31 October 2006 - 03:13 PM

i also got stuck on video no. 13, watching it again and again, trying to figure out how this machine works.
definately looks like a grand idea. :wub: WOW!

In Topic: Shell wont break hard

23 October 2006 - 12:35 PM

the corn cob doesnt fully burn down to ashes, since its only the carrier for the blackpowder... so thats ok.

BUT one second of burning time sounds very long to me.
if you test-light a little pile of BP-coated corn cob, you shouldnt even see it burn. it simply goes "woooosh" in a blink of an eye!!

thats why i think there's either something wrong with your BP or the burst charge simply isnt dry yet.
my advice is to check your BP before you put it onto the corn cob.


In Topic: Plastic Cylinder Shell cases

12 June 2006 - 05:26 AM

hi guys,

i'd like to place an order at Gamon-Plastics.
unfortunately they haven't answered my email yet, which i sent about 2 weeks ago. :(

does anyone of you have some sort of pricelist for the following shell-hemispheres?

120mm plastic without spoulette
150mm plastic without spoulette
180mm plastic without spoulette

150mm cardboard without spoulette
180mm cardboard without spoulette

thanks a lot in advance,

In Topic: Japanese Manufacture Video

20 February 2006 - 01:40 PM

what puzzled me was, that the lady who loaded the hemispheres just dumped a bunch of stars into the hemi and put the burst right on top without aligning the stars inside the hemi.
i wonder if those shells still have a nice, symmetrical break. :blink:

In Topic: corning vs. ricing

14 October 2005 - 07:16 AM

corned BP has a few advantages compared to riced BP...

- the BP gains efficiecy
- the single grains are sturdier
- no need for a binder, as the press is able to form a rockhard puck by the pressure itself

only downside is that its a little more work :glare: but in my opinion its sure worth it.

the meshsize for the lift depends on the shell you want to lift - the heavier the shell, the larger the grains.