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tiger tiger burning bright

Member Since 23 Jun 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 13 2006 09:49 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Does anyone know where to get chemicals in Canada?

09 November 2004 - 05:00 AM

Im also a canadian pyro (victoria, bc) who was out of luck in the chemicals feild. Try northwest scientific, they only ship to companies and schools, but they really dont care what company (eg, bobs used book mart can order 3 kilos of Mg powder). So if your friend owns his own small buisness, just ask him to order it for you. It works remarkably well. :D

In Topic: Making Charcoal

16 July 2004 - 02:45 AM

sorry dajin, should have been more specific, i didnt mean the ash from the fire, more the partially burnt logs, black and shiny all the way through

In Topic: lift charge granulation

16 July 2004 - 02:31 AM

what are some KISS tecniques to make granulated LP

(KISS meaning keep it simple stupid)

In Topic: Making Charcoal

15 July 2004 - 06:24 AM

At the risk of sounding reaaaaallllllly dumb, i just use pine charcoal out of my fireplace, my family has three of them so its easier and cheaper for me then cutting down willow trees or buying BBQ bricks, and earier someone said that it had to be burned in a low oxygen environement, how much does this affect overall preformance, my BP burns without residue, not precisely a snap of a fingers but it works.