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Member Since 08 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Dec 08 2008 10:47 PM

About Me

Hey there, my names David Allison and I have been into Pyrotechnics for about a year now but have only recently got seriously into it. My love for Pyrotechnics actually started in the form of a Spud gun made with a piece of old 30mm diameter UPVC pipe and a 2 Litre bottle. After that I moved onto R-Candy because I started to get an interest in rockets, but the R-Candy just did'nt have enough thrust. The icing on the cake was when my older brother joined me in making a batch of R-Candy, this involved cooking KNO3,Sugar,Honey,Water and Iron Oxide together in a pot with a camping stove. So I took a piece of R-Candy from the pot to test it and left my older for a couple of minutes and my brother was banned from going anywhere near anything with a source of ignition after accidently igniting the mixture and badly burning his face. After attempting and failing to make R-Candy rockets I turned to Black Powder which I felt was much more safe to make if you know what you are doing. I have now made and tested about 15 rockets each with no reports and they have got better and better. My next goal is to make rockets with small reports and possibly move onto Mortars and Arial Shells. My next target for the rockets is to get some small reports on them. I am also now a member of the UKPS even though I live in Scotland but that is a good thing because now I can spread the word about the UKPS.

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