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Member Since 12 Nov 2008
Offline Last Active Oct 18 2012 09:53 PM

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In Topic: The verdict what did you think of what you set off

07 November 2010 - 10:47 AM

Already posted this on UKFR, but here are my thoughts on the Epic gear I set off friday:

Thunder King - This was perfect to get everyones attention, simple and no frills just 25 loud reports. Very good value for £6. 8/10

Humming Hornets - Its always nice to have somthing a litte bit different and this delivers, strange sound effects that had people laughing. I was impressed with the 4 comet tails at the end, very bright. 8/10

Sky Lab - This has lots of different effects for a £6 barrage and also has a finale of 5 shots of multi coloured breaks, good price and variation of effects. 7/10

Mad Moth - Another with some pretty cool and original sounds, hard to explain so you'll have to watch a video, also has multi coloured break finale. 7/10

Mission Control - I was quite suprised how loud this was for a 1.4g small barrage but it does pack a bit of punch. It has 24 shots all of which break with different effects, also has a nice strobe finale. 7/10

Heavy Duty - This is awesome, for £12 you get 64 shots with a host of different effects. The whistles are very loud and the finale is very cool with spinning shots rising to crackling bursts. 8/10

Tank Buster - I think this was perfect to have after the smaller barrages, its like a mini-finale and it starts slowly building up great pace towards the crackling finale. Fantastic duration and a real crowd pleaser. 9/10

Venom - This was strange, simply because it was the wrong barrage! It was labeled as Venom (regal from brothers choice) but it was actually Dark Thunder (Sovereign.) It was a bit of a shame this happened but what it did show me was that next year to just get all the Brothers choice because they are big breaks and very loud. 8/10

Colour Storm - I think the wind may have had an effect on this, it was good, loud breaks and the effect was interesting but it didn't seem quite like the video. 6/10

Six Machine - This is awesome, 16 shots with each one breaking 6 times with too many different effects to name. For me though, the best bit was the sound it made when each shot left the tube, a real deep thud. Worth every penny of the £20 price tag. 9/10

Gunpowdwer Treason and Plot - The new Jabberwocky, very good duration and a good pace builder starting with very bright thick comet tails onto screeching whistles then fans of multi coloured breaks. The finale could do with being a bit busier but not bad at all for the price. 7/10

Raging Bull - This is very good for £30 it has a mix of huge peonies with different fanned effects inbetween (crackling comets, bees etc.) The finale is fantastic with crackling comet tails that break into crackling bursts. 9/10

Chemical X - The new Open Fire, cant go wrong with it really, brilliant fanned barrage with superb timing and huge breaks. Completely fills the sky. 9/10

Imperial Invasion - Without a doubt the best single firework of the night, its £65 price tag is justified with ease. You get vertical comet tails, whistles, spinners to peonies, fanned crackling tails, big mines, funny sound effects and a finale of 3 sets of fanned very bright comet tails followed by a barrage of huge crackling breaks. All of this lasts well over 2 minutes, superb. 10/10

Venus Sky Trap - This had some very well timed, very big fanned effects, its a little on the pricey side £45 for 42 shots but it is a real sky filler and has a very good finale. 7/10

Steam Roller - The new "Fire One," another with a very good duration and a whole host of different effects and colours, both fanned and vertical. The finale is also fantastic, filling the sky with crackling bursts that seem never ending. 9/10

Thunderous Finale / Screaming Spiders - I was starting to think that maybe I had set off Imperial Invasion too early and should have saved it for the end, but as soon as these 2 starting firing I realised they perfect for the finale. Both of these for £80 and you get 60 seconds of pure carnage, I was suprised just how many shots there were and how quickly they were firing. I love the sound that Thunderous Finale makes when the shots rise from the cake, very cool. It all ended with a 8 shots of sky filling and long lasting crackling. Awesome. 10/10

As for the rockets, well it sort of confirmed what I originally thought about them, I'm not a great fan. We did'nt have many but the packs are good value. We had the Supreme pack and tbh for £12 they are good, loud and have lots of different effects. The echo bombs were very loud, exploding with a real deep bang. The Sky Thriller I wasn't all that impressed with, again this could have somthing to do with the wind, I don't know but theres no complaints considering it was a freebie. Posted Image

From everything we fired these are the ones I will be buying again: Thunder King, Humming Hornets, Heavy Duty, Tank Buster, Brothers choice (Venom, High Voltage, Dark Thunder and Quick Fire), Six Machine, Raging Bull, Chemical X, Imperial Invasion, Steam Roller, Screaming Spiders and Thunderous Finale.

Overall, it was a really good night, the crowd loved it and couldn't thank us enough for putting on what they described as the best fireworks they've seen. Thanks to Epic for supplying a great deal and really good fireworks.

In Topic: A few questions about consumer rockets

13 October 2010 - 05:50 PM

Do any of you think these are any good ? I'm thinking of visiting next week having watched the vids of some of their fireworks , but these rockets haven't got a video .



Heres a video:


Don't look all that to me, although the video isnt the best.

In Topic: post your 2010 stash

12 October 2010 - 09:09 PM

are us four the only ones prepared for the 5th christ its only less than 4 weeks off i thourght their would be tones of stashes up here by now mines on its way

Ok, here you go, already posted on UKFR but suppose it will do no harm to have it here aswell :)

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