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Member Since 20 Jan 2009
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2009 07:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: I had an accident - Regarding: Ramming rockets

10 February 2009 - 10:37 AM

I had a look after posting and evilbay sells them and you can also do a general search on the web and they should come up. The ones I have are RAF issue and I think on the market cost about £30 the US ones seem interesting as they have a nomex back to them which is fire resistant and can be laundered without affecting this quality. As I said before its the last thing you want to do but sometimes when you see something burning especially in close proximity to smothing else which might cause disaster its often the the little pinkies that suffer hence why I have the aloe plant to. For the record all burns I have sustained so far have been when dealing with fires and bushcraft NOT pyrotechnics.

In Topic: The world's smallest fireworks

09 February 2009 - 11:19 AM

I was experimenting with some quick match the other day and found that about 3 or 4 inches of this stuff with a sliver of bamboo cane for a stabilising tail made a good little rocket I had no charge on the end so I do not know how much weight it would carry but it certainly flew staright up. Not sure that this classes as a rocket it being without a charge but it was certainly small.

In Topic: I had an accident - Regarding: Ramming rockets

09 February 2009 - 10:59 AM

HI all I am new to the forum but I read with in terest the part about the composition in the metal bowl. From my experience in bushcraft and all things fire related I can say that the bowl would have been whats called a parabolic mirror sometimes used for cooking in hot parts of the world. Ignition takes literally seconds especially with something like the composition you were using.

Going back to the main thread I really hope that your hands have healed and I wondered if you had invested in an aloe plant as this has magical properties when put onto a painful burn area. I also wondered with the little debate on gloves whether anyone had tried thin leather gloves like those used for flying? These are fantastic as they are supple enough to allow someone to fly a plane without pressing all the buttons at once and yet they are amazingly good when it comes to heat and flash. Again going back to my bushcrafting I have used my flying gloves to move hot embers when they have landed somewhere inappropriate. Leather being leathjer doesn't stick to the skin either when it eventually burns through. Hope this post might be some help.