Member Since 31 Aug 2009Offline Last Active Feb 24 2016 01:26 PM
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osobi291 → drtoivowillmann
Dear Toivo,
Nice to have you here to contact with you, at least i recognize that you were a very important point in the spanish fireworks industry, If i dont make mistake, I think you should know that Miguel Zamorano died in 2009, he spoke me once about you very good, he apreciate you very much.
I forgot, my name is Oscar, and i work in fireworks production, not in spain(that...
Nice to have you here to contact with you, at least i recognize that you were a very important point in the spanish fireworks industry, If i dont make mistake, I think you should know that Miguel Zamorano died in 2009, he spoke me once about you very good, he apreciate you very much.
I forgot, my name is Oscar, and i work in fireworks production, not in spain(that...