Is there still anyone with courage to accept the “Chinese challenge” ?Are there still true British warriors that do not want to give up, in spite ofthe large scale importations of Chinese fireworks ?
Naturally you have to lower your productions costs, to diminish pricedistance between Chinese goods and yours, but maintaining your qualitysignificantly superior to them, am I right?
Let’s defeat the Chinese with their own arms!
* Import and use only cheap Chinese basic material to manufacture yourproducts.
* Put a 2nd small own factory within China mainland, to makethere those products with too much man-craft to be made in your own country. Weshall not lose the exclusiveness of our own products, contrary to commonimportation from there. Actually foreigners are welcome in China.
* Mechanize or even automate (labor costs zero !) Class D firework. Ihave got some realistic ideas about.
* Once putting (see above) an own factory into China let’s offer theChinese authorities to help them in creating a new safety regularization fortheir firework factories. The German regularization (don’t be angry) is thebest in the world. We’ll have 3 benefits:
- We’ll save Chinese lives.
- Doing so, we’ll be even more welcome there than other foreigners.
- If the Chinese will obey to a sophisticated safety regularization intheir factories, like us in our countries, their production costs becomesignificantly higher and completion in the international market will be fairer.
All my life I did never accept the stupid idea that in future the onlyfirework in the world will be from China ! I am a Ph.D. of Chemistry andengineer of pyrotechnics from Germany. I live and work in Brazil, where Imodernized local fireworks industry. Don’t be skeptical: when I went there alsonobody believed that it would be possible to do, what I already did. I acceptedthe Brazilian challenge because of the cheap man-craft in Latin America. Now,after 12 years, things have become different, things here, because of newregularizations have become too complicated and too expensive. I would preferto change to a different country.
My philosophy is:
* Separation between explosive material and workers, the more thebetter.
* Simplification of class D assembly, to minimize man-craft and even topermit (future) automation.
* Environmental protection: substitution or rather toxic prime mattersby less offensive ones, such as antimony, lead and mercury, fluorine; to make apowder without sulphur (I have excellent formulas).
* Ecological plastics: whereas the injected pieced help to saveman-craft, material itself degrade by UV radiation of sunlight.
* Better colourful compositions by calculation of the components.
* Skyrockets without stick.
Annexed you find my curriculum and will see that I’m not a fool.
Yours truly:
PhD. Toivo Willmann
Rua Pernambuco, 105 – Fátima
35560-000 Santo Antônio doMonte – MG
telephone: 0055-37-99073659
Curriculum :
born: 11 May 1957, Münster, Germany
languages: English, Portuguese,Spanish, German
school: primary, secondary, final mark:excellent
university studies of Chemistryuntil Bachelor of Chemistry (12 February 1982, mark: excellent)
Dissertation in Biochemistry: 12February 1987, mark: very good,
published in “Nature” 324, 15 Dez. 1986, pages 688 – 691
After I went as scientificDevelopment Volunteer to Panamá (1987 – 1989), not with so much success. Thisadventure did not have good effect upon my career.
Formerly I was a “Pyro” (fireworkhobbyist), beginning as 15 years old boy. Now I decided to transform my hobbyinto profession. In my first employment I sent being in “Heaven”:
1990 – 1992 Nico Pyrotechnics Ltd.,Trittau (near to Hamburg, Germany).
- Two-Bang (non-lethal arm)
- diverse class A and B fireworks
- class D skyrockets
- class D indoor effects
- turning lathe operation
- how to make round stars in astar-pan
- use of hydraulic presses and theirmoulds, operation with special safety, pressing with dry
- safety examination laboratorymethods for compositions and products
- National Examination with Licenseas Manufacturer of Pyrotechnics
Went to Spain to learn more aboutthe artistic aspects of firework .
1993Pirotecnia Igual SA, Barcelona
1994 – 1995 Fuegos Artificiales Por Amor SL, Valencia
1996 – 1997Pirotecnia Esteve SL, Valencia
- indoor
- ski-torches
- environmental protection
- making of compositions
- letting off of firework displays
- development of simple assembly ofdouble and triple pistilled rounddisplay shells
- development os simple and reliablemaking of colour changing stars (up to 5 colours within
one star)
- instruction and motivation ofworkers
- substitution of natural resins(red gum, shellac) by synthetic ones
- professional letting off offirework displays
- artistic aspects of class D making
- making of display shells up to 16”(400 mm)
- leadership in a crew of workers
- how to make a black powder factoryat extreme low costs
I decided to have a try aspyrotechnic Development Volunteer in Brazil:
1998 – 2007Fogos Confiança Ltda., Santo Antônio do Monte – MG
In the beginning I found: thosehorrifying sulfur-chlorate compositions, hand-made pumped stars, hand-rammedfountains and skyrockets.
- introduction of star pans
- change from chlorate-sulfur toperchlorate or nitrate / metal and resin
- hydraulic pressing of gerbs andskyrockets with dry compositions,
- making of the presses and theirmoulds
- use of injection molded plasticsin class D making
- development and construction ofown injection molds to make the factory independent
- development of a similareasy-to-assembly system for paperboard round shells, to satisfy
customers that do not like plastics
- making of a simple black match anda quick-match machine
- how to work in a very strangecountry
- how to develop plastic injectionmoulds
- how works a very primitive andcheap paperboard case parallel winding machine.
Because of my innovations that soonwere copied by nearly all Brazilian fireworks factories here, the citygovernment of Santo Antônio do Monte, the town, where I am working, made me“Citizen of Honor”.
Had several tries in some otherBrazilian factories:
2007 FogosVulcão Ltda
2008 FogosSaturno Ltda
2009 FogosAliança Ltda
2010 FogosPlanalto Ltda
2010 Mecânica Mineira
2010 went back to Fogos ConfiançaLtda, where I am working until today.
- turning lathe operator
- to better star compositions
- to make match and spollet machines
- safety
- a semi-automatic variation of myquick-match machine
- a safe and cheap black powdersubstitute, (being patented in Brazil)
- how works the Chinese“visco”-match machine, which was copied by the Brazilians
- how to make graphic display shells
Other activities:
Creation of friendships andpublishing in pyrotechnic discussion forums (Internet):
- Feuerwerk Forum, Germany, much
- UK Pyrotechnic Society Forum,Great Britain, little
- APC Pyrotechnic Forum and PyroGuide Forum, USA, quite little
- UK Pyrotechnics Society Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Topics: drtoivowillmann
About Me
born 1957 in Münster, married 7 children, Germany. Chemist, PhD., professional fireworker (manufacturer) :
at the age of 14 begun as an amateur fireworker, studied in Germany, first employment in fireworks NICO
Pyrotechnik (Trittau, nearby Hamburg), afterworks Spain, since 1998 Brazil
Community Stats
- Group General Public Members
- Active Posts 36
- Profile Views 7,614
- Member Title Member
- Age 67 years old
- Birthday May 11, 1957
Marienmünster - NRW- Germany
pet chickens, amerindians
Topics I've Started
A somehow egoistic topic
10 September 2011 - 02:49 PM
Theory of Detonation
15 October 2009 - 06:25 PM
Dear Friends;
Is this really a forum about hight explosives ?
I do not see anything about it.
Why not to start with something basic and of commun interest ?
Who can contribute to the them "Theory of Detonation" and teach
something to all of us ?
Yours truely:
Is this really a forum about hight explosives ?

I do not see anything about it.
Why not to start with something basic and of commun interest ?
Who can contribute to the them "Theory of Detonation" and teach
something to all of us ?
Yours truely:
Environmental Protection
08 October 2009 - 01:45 PM
Dear Pyro-Friends:
Unfortunately fireworks, our love and passion, have a lot of enemies.
Some of them argue because of danger, others because of environmental pollution.
Let's do a counterattack and talk about environmental protection.
In the case of our Barium will be quite hard to do anything. Nobody
wants fireworks without green. Boron is equally poisonous, Thallium
is clearly worse. But maybe, here we worry without any necessity: the
so-called Acid Rain charges the athmosphere with Sulfuric Trioxide,
which readily becomes Sulfuric Acid. Our realatively small environ-
mental pollution with Barium salts will be neutralized as non-toxic
Barium Sulphate (because of being unsoluble in our and other
But there are other chemicals, we clearly can substitute by less poisonous ones.
1st.) Name the actual BAD chemical !
2nd.) What is it for ?
3rd.) Less harmfull or even harmless substitutes ?
4th.) Does the substitute work as well as the BAD traditional stuff or is there some
slight loss of quality in your compositions ?
I'll try to begin, in order to give some examples:
1st.) Lead Oxides
2nd.) "Crackling"
3rd.) Black Copper Oxide (CuO); Bismuth-Oxi-Nitrate = BiONO3*H2O (there is much
more oxigen in it than in the simple Bismuth-Oxide)
4th.) CuO: there are some realy good cracklings with it, but it remains audibly inferior
to that made with Lead Oxides.
BiONO3*H2O: practically as loud as made with Lead Oxides, but it's horribly
SOLUTION: quite large amounts of CuO combined with small amounts of
BiONO3*H2O = excellent loudness, price still achievable.
Onyone with better ideas ? Pease, post right here ! Please, nothing about pistol caps !
The trick is old and not so satisfactory.
Anyone tried Iridium Oxide or Potassium Perrhenate (here in Brazil, there is none), at least in small proportions of total, as both are also quite expensive ? Anything else ?
2nd. example:
1st.) Antimony or Antimony Sulphides
2nd.) Glitter, slow Golden Streamer (= willow tree without chlorate), some old
formulas; it’s a combustion calalyst.
3rd.) Very fine powdered metallic iron; Black Copper Oxide (CuO).
4th.) Very fine iron: in small amounts (2% -3% of total) give excellent glitters;
don't substitute with Iron Oxides or your damp stars will heat up.
CuO: really excellent willows; may be substituted by Copper Carbonate,
for it's better to mix in. In the ignited star heat transforms the carbonate
into oxide. Don't try metallic copper ! Copper metal and sulphur combined
may ignite spontaneously.
Anyone with better ideas ?
If you, dear Pyro-Friend,know some similar environmental problem and know its
solution, it's up to you to post it here right now. Thanks !
Greetings from Brazil:
Unfortunately fireworks, our love and passion, have a lot of enemies.
Some of them argue because of danger, others because of environmental pollution.
Let's do a counterattack and talk about environmental protection.
In the case of our Barium will be quite hard to do anything. Nobody
wants fireworks without green. Boron is equally poisonous, Thallium
is clearly worse. But maybe, here we worry without any necessity: the
so-called Acid Rain charges the athmosphere with Sulfuric Trioxide,
which readily becomes Sulfuric Acid. Our realatively small environ-
mental pollution with Barium salts will be neutralized as non-toxic
Barium Sulphate (because of being unsoluble in our and other
But there are other chemicals, we clearly can substitute by less poisonous ones.
1st.) Name the actual BAD chemical !
2nd.) What is it for ?
3rd.) Less harmfull or even harmless substitutes ?
4th.) Does the substitute work as well as the BAD traditional stuff or is there some
slight loss of quality in your compositions ?
I'll try to begin, in order to give some examples:
1st.) Lead Oxides
2nd.) "Crackling"
3rd.) Black Copper Oxide (CuO); Bismuth-Oxi-Nitrate = BiONO3*H2O (there is much
more oxigen in it than in the simple Bismuth-Oxide)
4th.) CuO: there are some realy good cracklings with it, but it remains audibly inferior
to that made with Lead Oxides.
BiONO3*H2O: practically as loud as made with Lead Oxides, but it's horribly
SOLUTION: quite large amounts of CuO combined with small amounts of
BiONO3*H2O = excellent loudness, price still achievable.
Onyone with better ideas ? Pease, post right here ! Please, nothing about pistol caps !
The trick is old and not so satisfactory.
Anyone tried Iridium Oxide or Potassium Perrhenate (here in Brazil, there is none), at least in small proportions of total, as both are also quite expensive ? Anything else ?
2nd. example:
1st.) Antimony or Antimony Sulphides
2nd.) Glitter, slow Golden Streamer (= willow tree without chlorate), some old
formulas; it’s a combustion calalyst.
3rd.) Very fine powdered metallic iron; Black Copper Oxide (CuO).
4th.) Very fine iron: in small amounts (2% -3% of total) give excellent glitters;
don't substitute with Iron Oxides or your damp stars will heat up.
CuO: really excellent willows; may be substituted by Copper Carbonate,
for it's better to mix in. In the ignited star heat transforms the carbonate
into oxide. Don't try metallic copper ! Copper metal and sulphur combined
may ignite spontaneously.
Anyone with better ideas ?
If you, dear Pyro-Friend,know some similar environmental problem and know its
solution, it's up to you to post it here right now. Thanks !
Greetings from Brazil:

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