Just wanted to give a brief update to our first ever firework display at my kids local primary
Original questions and replies can be found here - http://www.pyrosocie...r-500-possible/
I used all 1.4g new regulation fireworks and included a small selection of Cat2 stuff just to get everyone warmed up. I am glad i did because a few of the smaller kids found it a bit noisy and headed indoors for safety

Everything was bagged up and on site at 3.30pm. Staked out the firing zone so I knew exactly where everything was to be situated.
Constant drizzle from about 4pm with heavier downpours in between. Started placing and taping the fireworks out at 4.30pm so some of them were out a good 3 hours prior to ignition.
Kept back the finale pieces till 7pm in the hope it would stop raining - which it didn't.
Display kicked off at 7.30pm and was over by 7.45pm - a good few minutes shorter than planned. I had timings written on every firework but I am afraid the excitement took over and I just lit away to keep the sky filled.
Ended the night with a grand finale of an AF60, Skeleton Fanfare, Hercules 2, Raptor, Crazy Horses and 2 Medusas. All in a glorious final 90 seconds.
Happy to say the schools first ever firework display was an overwhelming success and was asked by the headmistress to do next years display !!
The unfortunate thing was the only fireworks I actually got to stand back and see was the 2 Medusas - too envolved to see anything else.
Nice loads of ooohs and aaahs from the crowd thoughout and hearty cheers and applause at the end.
Out of approx 40 fireworks only 2 failed to go off (VE Day and T-Rex) - which although truly pee'd me off at the time was not a bad ratio given the weather.
Just wanted to say a very big thank you to everyone who responded to my original thread and an especially big thank you to Mark @ Fireworks Crazy for supplying the fireworks at such a good price !!
Now when do i start planning next years event ???