proper water plooms in films are not done using HE.
theyre done with a air canon..........
- UK Pyrotechnics Society Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: MartinSPFX
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- Group General Public Members
- Active Posts 4
- Profile Views 6,061
- Member Title Spfx coordinator
- Age 53 years old
- Birthday January 5, 1972
Blowing stuff up....safely!
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In Topic: About this forum - Please read
27 August 2012 - 01:07 AM
In Topic: Squibs
06 March 2011 - 09:09 PM
Hello , I'm a Canadian SPFX Best Boy, out of Vancouver Canada. And D80-1's and D80-2's are Standard hits for body shots on Stunts, and Actors and perfectly safe if you know what the heck your doing! Flash is minimized by penetration layers, prescored...or doubling up on blood, our a talented camera team and post super...
Feel free to fire your questions to me
In Topic: Squibs
06 March 2011 - 09:08 PM
ive imported 500 D80/ 1/2 the little red ones, i use these for bullet hits , the white D80/1 should not be used for body hits they are to powerfull and will hurt like hell if you used them on a person they are only used for breaking objects or making holes in things or used as kickers
see this is my company and you will see a page will footage of bullets using D80/ 1/2 (half) RED
OPTIMA in Spain madrid UEE make them to the same specks as De La Mare engineering and have the same colour codes TEL :91 722 02 21 / 609 26 12 46 E-mail :
any question feel free to contact me Phil
Hello , I'm a Canadian SPFX Best Boy, out of Vancouver Canada. And D80-1's and D80-2's are Standard hits for body shots on Stunts, and Actors and perfectly safe if you know what the heck your doing! Flash is minimized by penetration layers, prescored...or doubling up on blood, our a talented camera team and post super...
In Topic: Striking Bullets
13 May 2010 - 03:33 AM
Hi, Gang,
Long time no speak!... SORRY, but the P.C's been up the wall!
Nice to re-view all your topics recently and get back up to date!
As for this, my latest topic, I have been asked by a local American Car Enthusiast's Club to help with a "Cops and Robbers" type "SHOOT-OUT" scene which they intend to perform in a reasonably large (200m x 100m) arena.
The over-all idea is to have some of the club members being "Bad Guys", committing a seriouse offence or two, and then being overwhelmed by the local "NYPD" ... SIRENS BLARING AND GUNS A-BLAZING! etc..
The replica guns, I believe, are already sorted as some of the members do the "Cowboy & Western" sceenes as well...
What I am looking for is some kind of single ignition, VERY low level (LIKE 1 INCH) MINE EFFECTS which would replicate the impact of a Bullet striking the ground, or if possible, to be fixed behind false glass (ie. suggar), in order to blow out a window or two in the pre-rigged vehicles so as to make the fireing of the guns more realistic to the spectators. It would also be nice to put a few "bullet holes" in the sides of the cars.
Obviousley, I cannot afford ANY DISCHARGE from the pyros as the "actors" will be within only feet of the charges at the point of firing, and an electronic fireing system is a MUST due to the pin-point timing required to make this stunt work.
Any advice out there would be appreciated as to speciffics of the pyro's required and the suppliers thereof.
egars, Roy.
Hey Roy, Got a paintball gun? next time use zirc hits which is a zirconium in-bedded within a paintball, Le-maitre sells them, you can also get them in extra hot for a larger spark. Also Dust hits, another paintball. And a Ceramic marble for the glass hit, Position your shooting angle for allowance of deflection of shrapnel away from actors or soft-props(stunts) two or three from various angles looks pretty cool. Just an idea, For the Bullet holes in the sides of cars, I recommend d80-2's from DE Le mar outta LA, not sure of the availability in the UK, but here is what you do. Take a spike hammer and puncture the outer panels of the car. From the reverse of the panel push the metal as flat as you can get it. Bondo your hit directly over the puncture aperture. use a steel flat plate and bondo the hell out of it. Sand and paint the exterior skin to perfection of the original skin look. Wire and fire. I like to a body clunker for optimize timing, repeat the sequence to camera and the shooter. Over the shoulder camera, and it looks totally awesome, but hey its up to the director and DOP...but its a camera lock off, Shoot a plate shot if the actor need to be close, or use a dummy. as a precaution. Look totally wicked...
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