Hi all regarding the threat - http://www.pyrosocie...tremely-strong/
I am now only going to sell these tubes in 24inch lengths WITH a 1.5 inch hard wood plug expoxied and screwed in place!
Price now will be £3 each and if you want a large quantity, PM me and I will give a good discount!
The postage each will be around £3 but will greatly reduce too if you buy 10 for example this will only be £8.50
The maximum postage charge is £8.50 for up to 30KG so buying several at once you will really save money!
Remeber 4" ID, 7mm wall thickness....extremely strong!
Special offer: Buy 10 mortars now for £25 plus £5 P&P! Don't Miss Out
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4" Mortars for sale
05 October 2010 - 09:33 AM
4 inch ID Spiral wound tubes for sale 7mm wall thickness. Extremely Strong
02 October 2010 - 03:53 PM
Hi all,
I have the chance to buy some 4 and 3 meter long tubes they are 4inch inner diameter with a wall thickness of 7mm.
They are extremely strong and I have the chance to buy 300 of them.
They are going to be fairly cheap for me to sell them as I am getting them at a low cost.
I was just wondering how many of you pyro-heads would be interested before I comit to buy them!
They would make wikid mortars or mines....I am going to make a nice new ball mill out of a section.
I will not post them in 4 meter lengths but will custom cut them to any size for anyone who wants them.
There will be shipping cost on top of that but I will do my best for a low price....Free shipping available for larger quantities.
Maximum size for royal mail is 1.48 meters and 2.5 meters for DHL
They are quite heavy and extremely strong.
So as I said I need to know tonight or early tomorrow morning if you are interested and how many you would like!
If you want more details please reply or PM me.
And just reply if you are interested!
All the best
I have the chance to buy some 4 and 3 meter long tubes they are 4inch inner diameter with a wall thickness of 7mm.
They are extremely strong and I have the chance to buy 300 of them.
They are going to be fairly cheap for me to sell them as I am getting them at a low cost.
I was just wondering how many of you pyro-heads would be interested before I comit to buy them!
They would make wikid mortars or mines....I am going to make a nice new ball mill out of a section.
I will not post them in 4 meter lengths but will custom cut them to any size for anyone who wants them.
There will be shipping cost on top of that but I will do my best for a low price....Free shipping available for larger quantities.
Maximum size for royal mail is 1.48 meters and 2.5 meters for DHL
They are quite heavy and extremely strong.
So as I said I need to know tonight or early tomorrow morning if you are interested and how many you would like!
If you want more details please reply or PM me.
And just reply if you are interested!
All the best
My rockets are just starting to work
26 September 2010 - 01:18 PM
Hi all,
I thought I would share this with you and hope to get some feedback...
I have been making rockets for a few days now and I finally got a few to work today.
Im kind of going about this in a crude way... I got an old drumstick and cut the end off to use as a rammer. For the casing I use 2x 5cm strips of plain A4 paper wrapped round the drimstick and then 2 layers of gummed paper tape wound in opposite spirals.
I then use ground down kitty litter to make the nossle and end plug. this is how I make the rockets.
1) I wind 2 layers of 5cm wide A4 paper round the drumstick and tape it in place.
2) I wind 2 layers of 18mm gummed paper tape round in opposite spirals.
3) I then pour in kitty litter to make a plug about 12mm thick and ram it very hard nd tight.
4) I pour in the meal powder, a little bit at a time and ram it until I have a propellant grain about 3cm long.
5) I then pour in more kitty litter to make the end cap.
6) I then drill a 3mm hold in the nozzel and i continue drilling until I have drilled 1cm into the black powder
7) I then insert the fuse and tape in place
8) I then atatch to a stick (I have been using thin garden canes for stick and balencing them)
9) Light and enjoy
The problem is they are only going about 40 feet high and this is quite dissapointing (better than just CATOing or working but not lifting)
I was wondering if anyone could give me some exact details on how they make their rockets.
Please state;
I thought I would share this with you and hope to get some feedback...
I have been making rockets for a few days now and I finally got a few to work today.
Im kind of going about this in a crude way... I got an old drumstick and cut the end off to use as a rammer. For the casing I use 2x 5cm strips of plain A4 paper wrapped round the drimstick and then 2 layers of gummed paper tape wound in opposite spirals.
I then use ground down kitty litter to make the nossle and end plug. this is how I make the rockets.
1) I wind 2 layers of 5cm wide A4 paper round the drumstick and tape it in place.
2) I wind 2 layers of 18mm gummed paper tape round in opposite spirals.
3) I then pour in kitty litter to make a plug about 12mm thick and ram it very hard nd tight.
4) I pour in the meal powder, a little bit at a time and ram it until I have a propellant grain about 3cm long.
5) I then pour in more kitty litter to make the end cap.
6) I then drill a 3mm hold in the nozzel and i continue drilling until I have drilled 1cm into the black powder
7) I then insert the fuse and tape in place
8) I then atatch to a stick (I have been using thin garden canes for stick and balencing them)
9) Light and enjoy
The problem is they are only going about 40 feet high and this is quite dissapointing (better than just CATOing or working but not lifting)
I was wondering if anyone could give me some exact details on how they make their rockets.
Please state;
- Inner Diameter, Outer Diameter and all other dimensions
- Propellent and what ratios and techniques they use to make it
- Weight
- Stick length, wieght
- Nozzel appature size
- All other things I might find interesting
Aerial Shell Problem
21 September 2010 - 01:43 PM
Hi all I have been haveing some problems with my aerial shells...
I have made several shells and loaded them into mortars for testing....
They are 2 inch and they weigh around 35g so I have been using 3.5g BP to launch them. The problem is they are only launching about 6 feet in the air then landing and then exploding.... this happens all the time and I have tried more and less BP still the same results.
I have even tried different tightness shells from really loose to tight where they have to be pushed in the mortar.
I have not been putting lift cups on them I have just been poring the BP in the mortar and There is a 1/8" hole in the bottom of the mortar for the visco.
What is happening?
And before you say it. My black powder is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with the speed of the black powder because it burns in a split second.
Can you think of anything else? I need to get this right before I start wasting more chems and shell cases.
I have made several shells and loaded them into mortars for testing....
They are 2 inch and they weigh around 35g so I have been using 3.5g BP to launch them. The problem is they are only launching about 6 feet in the air then landing and then exploding.... this happens all the time and I have tried more and less BP still the same results.
I have even tried different tightness shells from really loose to tight where they have to be pushed in the mortar.
I have not been putting lift cups on them I have just been poring the BP in the mortar and There is a 1/8" hole in the bottom of the mortar for the visco.
What is happening?
And before you say it. My black powder is perfectly fine. There is nothing wrong with the speed of the black powder because it burns in a split second.
Can you think of anything else? I need to get this right before I start wasting more chems and shell cases.
Granulated Black Powder Question?
13 September 2010 - 01:45 PM
Hi all,
I have made up a nice batch of black powder and it was extremely fast....
When I came to granulate it, it went very well and it has been drying for over a day now but the granuals are extremely brittle and crumble very easily?
Is this normal or not?
I have made up a nice batch of black powder and it was extremely fast....
When I came to granulate it, it went very well and it has been drying for over a day now but the granuals are extremely brittle and crumble very easily?
Is this normal or not?
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