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- Age 40 years old
- Birthday March 21, 1985
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In Topic: software
15 November 2010 - 03:33 PM
i'm still interested
I have some ideas about a system (and ive even set up a 'workbench' website to put something together) - so input would be much appreciated!

In Topic: lantern accident
12 November 2010 - 12:24 AM
I would like to see the return of firework public information films to show exactly how to handle & light a variety of firework related products,......perhaps this is something the UKPS could get involved with?.
i agree - definately should bring back the public info films for fireworks.. dont know why they stopped showwing them o.O
In Topic: lantern accident
10 November 2010 - 10:24 PM
eugh.. why is it - its always get rid of the thing that's caused harm... OH NO ITS HURT SOMEONE! theyve only been around for 100s of years but LETS BAN THEM NOW!! sheesh, why cant some parents have some common sense. Fire is hot.. and hot things + kids = bad things.. why cant some people understand they need to keep kids away from fireworks and fire in general? Some people are far too quick to try to take the blame from themselves, ultimately ruining it for everyone else - when they could have been the ones who could have prevented the accident in the first place..
In Topic: The verdict what did you think of what you set off
09 November 2010 - 09:34 PM
I got a couple of smallish selection boxes of Guy Fawkes Fireworks from JTF - the rockets included in the "Cascades" selection box were probably the most pathetic 'ffft' of a rocket ive ever seen, but in general the selection was okay - a lil samey - but then it came with a blue flame'd volcano-style fountain, which was pretty cool, not seen a blue one before 
We actually started the display with a 'Funky Frog' .. yep .. funky frog - by Guy Fawkes Fireworks.. and to be honest - even with the 25 shot barrage at the end, it was the best firework of the night. Basically it was a very varied fountain! - It looked as funny as its name, and on lighting it - the firework actually illuminates the eyes and mouth while it sprays its very varied fountains of fire into the air - including crackles and pleanty of different colours! It was a pretty decent lasting firework too - not too long, but not too short - and because of its constant changes you didnt get bored neither

I remember november 5ths more than i remember my own birthdays >.> and although the weather promised the night would be a wash out originally (similar to 1997 in sheffield, the only year i remember it actually raining for the majority of the night) - it actually stopped raining just before 6, so although damp - the fire was lit, and the night got under way
AND lesson learnt from tonight? never let my dad light another firework. I gave him ONE - yes ONE firework to light - effectively an air bomb, complete with little plastic stake at the bottom - and he sticks it in a planter upside down.. so while we're looking in the sky for a pretty invisible ejected star.. there's suddenly a bang - and the planter is totaled. We were all at a pleanty safe distance of coarse.. but yeah.. that gave us pleanty to laugh about
he'd set it so that the firework ejected the cardboard tube, while leaving the explosive in the ground
.. so yes.. next year im lighting every single one.. hehehe
Bonfire Night 2010 - definately one of the best in years for me
- if anyone was at the After Dark display - would love to know what it was like. we could her the booms from about 10 miles away!!

We actually started the display with a 'Funky Frog' .. yep .. funky frog - by Guy Fawkes Fireworks.. and to be honest - even with the 25 shot barrage at the end, it was the best firework of the night. Basically it was a very varied fountain! - It looked as funny as its name, and on lighting it - the firework actually illuminates the eyes and mouth while it sprays its very varied fountains of fire into the air - including crackles and pleanty of different colours! It was a pretty decent lasting firework too - not too long, but not too short - and because of its constant changes you didnt get bored neither

I remember november 5ths more than i remember my own birthdays >.> and although the weather promised the night would be a wash out originally (similar to 1997 in sheffield, the only year i remember it actually raining for the majority of the night) - it actually stopped raining just before 6, so although damp - the fire was lit, and the night got under way

AND lesson learnt from tonight? never let my dad light another firework. I gave him ONE - yes ONE firework to light - effectively an air bomb, complete with little plastic stake at the bottom - and he sticks it in a planter upside down.. so while we're looking in the sky for a pretty invisible ejected star.. there's suddenly a bang - and the planter is totaled. We were all at a pleanty safe distance of coarse.. but yeah.. that gave us pleanty to laugh about

Bonfire Night 2010 - definately one of the best in years for me

In Topic: Strange coincidence concerning colours
09 November 2010 - 08:48 PM
had a selection box of fireworks this november 5th, had a usual volcano fountain, but it was blue! Blue is absolutely my fav colour in fireworks. never seen a blue flare-fountain before

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