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Member Since 24 Aug 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 14 2009 01:37 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: China:Beihai port Now Closed to 1.3G

10 October 2008 - 10:50 AM

It's a difficult situation at the moment, basically, you can get 1.3G products exported so long as they aren't from Liuyang - the Chinese government in punishing Liuyang for trying to smuggle out 1.3G earlier this year during the ban, so now, any company who ordered from Hunan province, will not be recieving their Cat 4 products until after November 5th, which is why if you work in the industry, you'll notice a lot of companies calling round each other trying to get hold of Shells - they're almost like gold dust at the moment! a few companies have managed to get them from another province however.

In Topic: Drinking....whats your choice of tipple

10 October 2008 - 10:45 AM

I have to say I'm a Lager drinker at heart, can't beat a nice frosty pint of Tiger or Stella, but I do like my ales, Hobgoblin and Blacksheep have to be at the top of the list. I'm also partial to a bit of Le Fee Verte (Absinthe) every now and then. And ofcourse, you can't beat a Fuzzy Shark cocktail - possibly the world's best tasting cocktail!

I'm 18 :)

In Topic: Freelance firers required

10 October 2008 - 10:42 AM

:ph34r: Iam currently trying to set up a rota of freelance firers that I can call on as required.
We are a small display company based in Stoke but covering nationally so you can be anywhere.
If you're interested give me a shout

If this is the person I think it is, I'm up for it!

In Topic: SP Fireworks

10 October 2008 - 10:36 AM

I would like to make a personal apology to Antony for the delay you experienced when applying for membership with us. As a few people have mentioned above, this is the busiest period of the year for us, and with only two of us working in the company, taking care of over 40 retail shops that are all demanding their goods to be delivered in the next few days and trying to get stock in from China (not an easy task this year!) takes a lot of our time to organise. The main issue we had in processing your application is the new account system we have had installed, it seems firstly that we are not recieving all our e-mails, and secondly that we are recieving e-mails later than we should, for example, the e-mail you say you sent on the 29th September, we did not recieve until the 1st October to which I replied.

David is correct, if you are a UKPS member, you need not apply for our membership as all UKPS members are automatically entitled to a 30% discount from us.

Antony, I would like to offer you a free ticket to our display this year as an apology, if you want to accept this, then could you PM me an address to send it to.

In Topic: Fuse

27 September 2008 - 12:11 AM

It is extremely difficult, in order to technically send fuse, it needs to be an ADR licenced carrier, in order to have an account with an ADR licenced carrier, they like you to be sending more than 3000 parcels a year or something ridiculous, and even if you do, it still works out at something like £25 postage per package, meaning in order to actually buy/sell visco the legal way, you need to order bloody thousands of metres to make it worthwhile.