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In Topic: Smoke comp too tacky
25 May 2006 - 11:43 AM
You could also try replacing the sugar (sucrose) with dextrose, this can be easily found at most food stores. It solidifies alot slower and also has a lower melting point, making it easier and safer to mix. I think that it is slightly less hydroscopic too. However, I havent done any comparison tests, so i do not know if it produces as much smoke as sucrose.
In Topic: Interesting Ebay auction
09 May 2006 - 10:40 PM
Man, that wooden visco machine is at ?53.65 its just that simple design off rec.pyrotechnics. Im in the wrong business, I should have started selling them.

In Topic: Visco Machine
07 May 2006 - 01:21 PM
Hey guys,
Sorry I havent replied to some of your questions and that the pictures of the visco machine have gone offline. I havent been doing pyro for a while now but im started to get back into it.
Blaf, Nice work on your visco machine, its turned out great, its good to see that you have used the similar vertical design like mine, it makes treading quite a bit simplier.
If anyone still wants the pictures or a vid of the machine in action I would be happy to upload some, I just dont have a webspace anymore.
Sorry I havent replied to some of your questions and that the pictures of the visco machine have gone offline. I havent been doing pyro for a while now but im started to get back into it.
Blaf, Nice work on your visco machine, its turned out great, its good to see that you have used the similar vertical design like mine, it makes treading quite a bit simplier.
If anyone still wants the pictures or a vid of the machine in action I would be happy to upload some, I just dont have a webspace anymore.
In Topic: Interesting Ebay auction
07 May 2006 - 01:05 PM
Ha, I was wondering how long it would take until someone would start selling them on ebay.

In Topic: Visco Machine
23 November 2005 - 11:25 PM
It can be very cheap, its dependant on what type of threads that are used. In the current setup im using a standard poly-cotton sewing thread, I got all the thread for about ?13, and each spool is 500m. The rest of the price is BP, which it doesnt take much of and its so cheap.how much does it cost you to make the visco?
say per meter?
(i'm not asking to buy some).
However the poly-cotton threads are really not ideal. They actually burn rather than ember, with a yellow flame and produce a nasty smoke. I have tried it with some pure cotton thread which works much better, but its a lot more expensive and hard to find in the right size.
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