A pity there aren't any other active pyros on this board in Perth, as it'd be a good opportunity to meet up, but I imagine a few of you eastern-statesers are going to be getting together?
It's always fun, anyway, even if you have to shoulder your way through the several hundred thousand people that infest the foreshore to see it, and some years are a bit lacking in variety. It's the only big show we get down under, but it is, at least, a genuinely international-scale show. Apparently Perth and Sydney are the only sites large enough to shoot 24" shells for the finale, so that's a bit of a bonus if you live here or there...
For people around the rest of Australia, how are the shows in your city? Anyone know what the budget for it this year is?
Edit: Torrent for Perth Skyshow telecast is here. You'll need to sregister to view it, though.