Good for both dates
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- Age 60 years old
- Birthday September 8, 1964
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In Topic: UKPS day trip
10 April 2014 - 12:40 PM
In Topic: UKPS day trip
08 April 2014 - 05:51 PM
Ok so as an initial suggestion what is the concensus on mid May?
Sounds good.
In Topic: Project day
08 April 2014 - 05:12 PM
Definately in. I was recently thinking that I'd like to make up some dummys to use as part of potential presentation/talks.
In Topic: UKPS day trip
23 March 2014 - 10:52 PM
Ow bout an Ecky Thump tournament? Just joking, but I do like the sound of an experimentation day. Never been shooting so would really like to try that.
Cheers, Gavin
In Topic: Thank you for a great agm yet again
17 March 2014 - 02:09 PM
A brilliant day again! Thank you to everyone who made it happen. And what absolutely awesome news from Wayne, who deserves maximum Kudos for all the work he's put in without which the '100g rule' and our hobby would be gone. We will very shortly have a legal framework to work in!! I've heard Wayne say it many times that the UKPS has been met with professionalism and genuine helpfulness by the powers that be and I feel that should be recognised as well for without that the outcome could have been entirely different.
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