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Damp Squib

Member Since 13 Dec 2005
Offline Last Active May 19 2006 11:19 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Basic Measuring & Weighing

21 February 2006 - 09:01 PM

If you want cheap accurate scales go to www.ukscales.com I got mine from them for about ?25 they arrived in two days with batteries and calibration weight and are accurate to 0.01g perfect for testing small batches of comp I could in theory mix as little as 1g of comp accurately,so my 10g test batches are extremely accurate,they will also go up to 100g

heres a link to the scales I have- great product!



In Topic: Stupid People

20 February 2006 - 10:54 PM

To plays with fire "catcher in the rye page 47" from A.friend, ;)

On the airgun note what I have read from memory under law an airweapon is described as being able to break the skin when the power is above 1flbs of force there are no restrictions on air weapons below this power as can be noted on every shop in england now stocking plastic bb pistols,above 1flb should draw blood,6flbs is the amount an power an air pistol can have and go straight through skin,12flbs is the amount of power an air rifle can have before you need a licence,this wound determined to be mostly non fatal when shot at close range in the skull or breast plate


In Topic: Japanese Manufacture Video

19 February 2006 - 10:34 PM

cool video :) I was suprised to see a labrador running in between the 5 inch mortars,I wonder if theres a few burried at the end of the garden :D poor pooch didnt have any dust protection either :glare:

In Topic: Ball Mills

19 February 2006 - 10:09 PM

If any of you have an ebay account get in touch with thorneykev he has just actioned a htopoint tumbler motor starting bid ?6.00 the auction has ended no takers,see if you can sort something out or ask if he'll put it up for auction again with a buy now option :)

In Topic: Calcium Sulphate

19 February 2006 - 09:33 PM

Sodium nitrate cheaper than Potassium nitrate? Hah! Where do you get your Nitrates from? Sodium costs about three times Potassium nitrate where I get it, and my supplier was not hard to find. As fars as hygrscopicity goes, My experience shows that a comp containing KN and Sucrose will become damp over time, while with Sodium nitrate you will get a puddle...

On another note, I too use Sodium nitrate "fairly" regularly for rich Yelllows and golds, though I must be ALOT more careful with the choice of fuels than with the Potassium salt if I do not want a pile of mush.

I pay ?7.50 for 9kg of 99% pure fertilizer grade nano3 or ?3.00 per 3kg,no I'm not gonna tell you where I get it I dont wanna give curious kids any ideas and my supply to be stopped,I'll ge as far as to say its a 5 min drive from where I live so no postal costs either :)

As by the hygroscopy issue all you need is some airtight tuppawear or a 5 gallon plastic bucket if your devices are large and the problems is gone,I think it a total none issue B)

The colour wavelength the sodium nitrate produces is 589nm right in the edge of orange in the spectrum,the addition of some lithium carbonate should push the flame deep into the orange part of the spectrum and the awsome light emmiting properties of sodium will give you really bright stars and fountains without any extra addition of expensive metal powders
