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- Age 36 years old
- Birthday June 24, 1988
Not Telling
Melbourne, Australia
PYROTECHNICS! bmx and downhill mountain bike riding, landscaping, electrical, building, gaming
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In Topic: The General Pyro Workbench!
08 June 2006 - 10:57 AM
Guys! Well I cleaned it all up today, its pretty much empty and ready to start. Im thinking about what the best surface would be to use, I dont have much cash so I want cheap but good enough to handle itself. Im keeping the current frame and just wanna replace it with one flat surface. I thought of maybe 3cm MDF but then my mate reminded me it isnt waterproof then suggested chipboard but i dont think chipboard would be any good at all! Alwell any thoughts? Remember, Cheap
lol Thanks Guys

In Topic: The General Pyro Workbench!
05 June 2006 - 12:48 PM
Hey guys! Ive just uploaded up a plan of what i have so far... it doesnt have much... I have 2.2 metres wide, 0.7 metres deep and 0.79 metres high.
Heres the link for a quick drawing i knocked up,
thanks for the suggestions so far guys, keep it up! ill add and adjust to my design as I prepare.
Also im thinking of a hydraulic press on the left next to the ball mill?
Oh! and the reason why i have double sliding doors infront of the shelves is simply to save space as i have two cars parked right where they would open!
so i cant have anything that opens too far out.
Heres the link for a quick drawing i knocked up,
thanks for the suggestions so far guys, keep it up! ill add and adjust to my design as I prepare.
Also im thinking of a hydraulic press on the left next to the ball mill?
Oh! and the reason why i have double sliding doors infront of the shelves is simply to save space as i have two cars parked right where they would open!

In Topic: Ball Mill Containers and Grip
03 June 2006 - 11:33 PM
Okay, great thanks a lot guys! ill see what i can do over the next few days then report back!
In Topic: Ball Mill Containers and Grip
03 June 2006 - 01:15 PM
But if i gear it down.. wont it make it easier to jam up the motor??? cause it wont be as fast so it will be easier to stop with a heavier load
In Topic: Ball Mill Containers and Grip
03 June 2006 - 04:29 AM
my motor has been stopping too recently, only when there is too muh load on it though.. how can i slow it down without making it stop??? The rods spin fast.. too fast and the container with everything doesnt even weight that much.. but sometimes it just jams up and stops the motor

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