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Member Since 06 Jan 2007
Offline Last Active Apr 06 2010 08:04 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: CAT 4 course coodinated by UKPS

07 September 2009 - 11:11 AM

Just to wake this thread up and remind everyone that the course is on and will be held at:

The Crosskeys Inn 9 Worthington La, Newbold Coleorton, Coalville Leicestershire on Saturday 12th September, starting at 9.00am

I now have all your deposits (thank you). The balance (approx £70) will be collected on the day of the course - please bring cash or cheque.

Hi Phill Just caught up with whats going on,( been away ) just seen the corse to be held on the 12 the september,
and wondered if there were any places left ? cheers Tim. PS can I get hold of no's 1/2/3 +5 issues of SPARK ?

In Topic: Visit To Kimbolton Fireworks

17 June 2009 - 02:05 PM

Sorry to hear that Chris was looking forward to saying hi again.

See you down there Phill ( have got you some goodies )

In Topic: Are you interested in manufacturing fireworks?

04 June 2009 - 02:59 PM

Hi All,

The society's documentation and legislation committee are looking for a head count of the number of members of the forum who are interested in manufacturing their own fireworks for non-commercial purposes. This information is useful to us to gauge the number of people we need to represent when liaising with the HSE and other authorities.

Please take time to vote.

Kind regards,


Thats a yes here , more details please !!

In Topic: Visit To Kimbolton Fireworks

29 April 2009 - 12:35 PM

I will be confirming places with each of you hopefully by the end of this week. We estimate there will be 25-30 places available that we can fill. UKPS members will take priority.

Hi Richard please can you put me down for 2 places please , best regards Fizcracle ( Tim )

In Topic: Visit To Kimbolton Fireworks

06 April 2009 - 03:23 PM

[size="4"][/sizeA big yes count me in for 2 see you all there Chaps :rolleyes: