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- Age 43 years old
- Birthday September 11, 1981
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Computer programming, web development, photography, photo editing, graphic design and 3D graphics
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In Topic: Melted and Casted Lead Wheel Weights as Media?
27 May 2005 - 07:32 AM
An even cheaper (i.e. free) source of hardened lead is the bullet backstop of a gun club. Any lubricant, dirt, or copper (or other jacketing) floats to the top and skimmed off leaving pretty much pure lead/antimony behind. The only disadvantage I see is figuring out the exact percentage of antimony.
In Topic: Synthisis Of Potassium Perchlorate
13 May 2005 - 08:20 AM
I just have a quick question. I have been looking around for some info on treating graphite electrodes with linseed oil. On Wouter's site, he says "They can be treated with linseed oil to reduce corrosion. A practical method for the home experimenter has been devised by Rich Weaver, and is well described on Mike Brown's page. Old battery electrodes do not need to be treated with linseed oil." The links I have managed to find to the said Mike Brown's page seem to be broken. Just wondering if anyone knows the new URL, has mirrored the procedure, or knows of some ways to go about it. Thanks.
In Topic: Cakes/Repeaters
09 May 2005 - 07:43 AM
VERY impressive looking cake there al93535
Are the tubes just straight Kraft, or are they a composite type of tube (e.g. manilla/Kraft). What GSM/lb is the Kraft, what are the wall thicknesses, etc if you don't mind me asking.
I have been meaning to get my modular cake (which is loosley based on the set up of Passfire's Z-Fan cake) up and running. The tubes are all ready to glue onto the backing. I have just gotten a bit sidetracked lately. Hopefully I will get around to making a cake in the next month or so.

I have been meaning to get my modular cake (which is loosley based on the set up of Passfire's Z-Fan cake) up and running. The tubes are all ready to glue onto the backing. I have just gotten a bit sidetracked lately. Hopefully I will get around to making a cake in the next month or so.
In Topic: Synthisis Of Potassium Perchlorate
06 May 2005 - 09:53 AM
Well, I have finally gotten around to gathering the equipment to make my own cell. I did a test chlorate cell the other night, just to get a feel for things. It was a short run and only produced 5g of chlorate, but the idea was just to see if it would work for me. Anyway, I was looking around for a suitable anode material, and I think I have settled on some GSLD anodes, but I was searching around on the 'net for platinum foil. I came across this page on the site alany posted about somewhere here (I think). Would something like this work for a perchlorate cell, or would there be problems with it?
Anyway, very nice work sasman
What sort of yields are you expecting from your set up?
Anyway, very nice work sasman

In Topic: Cylindrical Shells
25 April 2005 - 01:00 AM
My 2in shells come out looking like that after spiking. Not so many verticals and horizontals though. Usually I use 8 to 10 verts with anywhere from 5 to 10 horizontals, depending on what the shell contains.
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