Member Since 30 Mar 2007Offline Last Active Oct 05 2024 09:56 AM
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Back on the way to China again this weekend. What a great place. Great people, amazing cities. I have never felt so safe anywhere in the world.

Well going home tomorrow (ish), doesn't feel so good this time as I may be responsible for others having to stay for a few more weeks.

Well in sunny Sweden this week, not so bad. Looking forward to being home for a few weeks now.

Sounds good doesn't it. I reality it can be pretty lonely, especially when your in a country by yourself where they no one speaks English like brazil (where I am at the moment). In Brazil for the next 2-3 weeks followed by Holland then straight to China, so maybe 3-4 days at home in the next 6 weeks, not great.
May 28 2016 02:15 AM

What a surprise off to brazil again. However going for a holiday in Rio at the end of the trip Yey