Rip Rap do you still have a link to your papers on jumping jacks it was excellent, I have it somewhere but can't find it.
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- Member Title Pyro Forum Top Trump
- Age 71 years old
- Birthday December 2, 1953
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In Topic: Quiet around here
11 August 2017 - 08:49 PM
In Topic: UKPS 2017 AGM!
07 May 2017 - 07:47 PM
An entertaining and positive day for us all. The group discussion we had about the society's future and how we can improve on what we have were very constructive.
I thoroughly enjoyed all the talks and thank you to all the speakers. The fireworks was something else, the best to date in my opinion well done Karl.
In Topic: UKPS 2017 AGM!
26 April 2017 - 07:40 PM
Looking forward to 'disposing' of couple hundred 3" triple peanut shells!
Will they be anything like this, that would be awesome.
In Topic: UKPS 2017 AGM!
25 April 2017 - 08:23 PM
We haven't heard from Wayne or Richard, I think it's important with their positions within the society that they do attend.
In Topic: UKPS 2017 AGM!
02 April 2017 - 05:35 AM
Attending the 2017 AGM
Phill Cooper + a few crew (3-7)
Black Cat + guest
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