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Small scale experimentation with"garden" fireworks and Small rockets.
Posts I've Made
In Topic: State of the Nation
04 December 2011 - 11:45 PM
I believe there is only one thing that will make the Society relevant, and that is to be a pressure group for, as exat coyly puts it, "the redefinition of the current 100g manufacturing restriction". I know there have been "discussions" about changing the regulations, but I also know - as should you all - that "discussions" are a civil servant's way of keeping things exactly the way they are until the troublemakers give up and go home. Pushing the boundaries and a certain amount of militancy is necessary.
The natural constituency of this Society is people who would like to make fireworks legally. Many of them already practice the art without benefit of law, and there are many more that would jump on board if it were permitted. Putting up a couple of corrugated iron sheds at Ambersley may be important in a historical way, but it neither excites people nor advances the program. It would have been a step forward if Phil's "Any Takers" idea had come off. As I posted in that thread a year ago,
"I don't want to bore people with my (by now) well known opinion, but the only hope for any loosening of the UK manufacturing laws (and continued relevance of UKPS) is to foster an active community of people who want to make their own fireworks, and demonstrate it by taking every opportunity to do so."
This is why I joined UKPS,the fear of the door going in at 4.30am has all but halted my "experiments".
the hope that we could emulate the Rocket boys and get legitimate was the driving force behind me joining.
Having said that I am fascinated with all things 'pyro and particularly the nostalgia aspects.
I am a single parent with health issues which somtimes render me practically useless,but I can use a 'phone &P.C. and can and do offer my time to assist in the furtherance of all the societies goals.
I'd like to give my thanks to all the "Active" members for what they have done so far,and as I said offer my time & limited skills to help whoever is to fill the big gap left by Richards retirement.
We do take Paypal.
In Topic: Marketing and Use of Explosive Precursors
24 September 2010 - 12:55 AM
God knows what's really going on.
I stopped my small scale and innocuous experimentation,because make no mistake anyone with "Explosives" outside of a very limited and vetted
group is a criminal and faces draconion penalties.
Your experimental gerb is a terror weapon or "precursor" of such depending on the whim of the investigating authority.
Of course no one wants a dynamite factory in next doors shed but this is the situation we ARE in and ongoing legislation will / does outlaw even the mildest of
amateur chemists.
I only have the nerve to post this because I disposed of my "precursors" for fear of the consequences should the authorities decide to take an interest.
As things stand all of the forums practical experimenters face prosecution for their inventory notwithstanding the 100's of years of safe practice of the art.
I do not advocate a free-for-all,but the reason the terrorists fail is not down to legislation but the fact that,
1; they are stupid,and
2: they are vanishingly few.
We as a nation faced off 66,000,000 pissed of Germans*and carried on as normal,but now we are supposed to panic and surrender our freedoms to a shadowy army of "Terrorists" ** as the the Roman bloke said "cui bono".
*inc.Werhmacht + Romania, Italy,Hungary,Finland,Japan,et cetera
–noun1.the use of violence and threats to intimidate or coerce, esp. for political purposes. 2.the state of fear and submission produced by terrorism or terrorization. 3.a terroristic method of governing or of resisting a government.
In Topic: Marketing and Use of Explosive Precursors
23 September 2010 - 09:30 PM
Logically this is ill thought out knee jerk legislation .or another ratcheting of the control freakery that can only end with everyone RF ID chipped ,and eating our government prepared nutrients with a rubber spoon.
The USSR was nothing compared to what will be imposed upon us,whether the motives are benign or ill the result is the end of the autonomous citizen.
In Topic: Over 1000 formulas in this electronic copy of a VERY old book.
04 June 2010 - 02:54 AM
Sorry man, still under copyright. It was published in 1975, and the author is still alive.
He may have compiled it but I doubt if he has "copyright" except for the pdf. , this is just scans (photo copies) of
prior work.
"The first volume talks about how to blow up a car, make napalm and poisons such as ricin, nicotine, arsenic and cyanide. It also contained a full U.S. Army self defense manual along with a gunsmithing workshop."
Maybe we should offer him honorary membership?

Hey Chris, are your teeth good ? and do you fear to injure them? looking forward to the demo:D
I did dip my finger into molten lead at 10 years old,cos I trusted my Granddad*
All good fun though till the Rozzers cop it on your Hdd.
*Never played the Violin again.
In Topic: Hydraulic Press question
01 April 2010 - 11:23 PM
if your press was standalone then the mild steel would be an option, but if portable i agree would weight a fair bit, although there is never too much overkill on safety when pressing whistle mixes or anything of the sort....
and if you feel the need to look round stop pumping, wait for it to dwell to be sure then peep round for a glimpse second to see how its going, or as discussed before using an angle grinder cut a slit through the left hand-right hand side of the sheet metal for a viewing slot, only 1cm thick (not the center as it would cause weakness in the overall piece of metal), and put a piece of polycarbonate plastic, the poly carbonate would be reinforced because 1cm slot would allow it to "bend" slightly without splitting, and anyways the peep hole should only be used for a few seconds anyways....
Why not use a mirror?
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