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Member Since 29 Feb 2004
Offline Last Active Nov 27 2004 10:24 AM

Topics I've Started

New crackle mix?

16 October 2004 - 10:30 AM

Today i attempted in making the 60/30/10 flash mix, kno3/al/s (using 350# Al) , but i forgot it was 60 and so did 70 kno3 i mixed this thoroughly.I then attempted to light 1g of the stuff ,did not work so i put a sprinkle of BP on and lit it what followed was about 7 seconds of white sparks and heavy crackling.Is there a crackle mix similar to this and can i use this for crackling stars?

Lampare Shells

31 August 2004 - 09:37 AM

Recently I was thinking of making a ball shell but an empty one then putting in a baggie of white spirit(petrol etc) into this ,I make them closed so that it will be a better spread of the flames rather than having a one sided burst.I then sprinkle in my break powder seal it and have the time fuse or spollette in, will this work?If so how well?Is this a lampare shell or are they completely different?If it is not how do you make these shells? Thank you

Mines, making and using

09 July 2004 - 04:58 PM

Hi i have seen quite a few different types of mine, by this I do not mean the stars or their arrangement I mean the basic mechanics.

I have seen the common mine which is also the display mine and is the basic star and lift pouch type with top fusing. I have also seen where the fuse is threaded through a hole in the side which is easier for beginners but not in any way useful for a display.

Finally and this is the most beginner friendly mine is just a hole in a cardboard morter (i.e. in the side) for the fuse and the lift poured ontop follow by stars and the top is covered in a layer of thick paper, all of these work for me so how about you?


04 April 2004 - 06:05 AM

Do any of you play cs 1.6 ,if you have a clan maybe we could war some time.

Bottle Rocket Powder?

27 March 2004 - 08:12 PM

I have been told by certain people tha the powder found in cheap bottle rockets could be used in a very mine as lift powder, is this possible?