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Member Since 25 May 2004
Offline Last Active Dec 15 2014 02:40 PM

Topics I've Started

Keten - Chemical Supplier

20 March 2008 - 08:16 PM

I found this supplier

And they seemed quite cheap and has a lot of chemicals.
My question is if anyone has any experience from them?

Weird Problem With Chrysanthemum Stars

19 March 2008 - 04:20 PM


I have, at least what I think, a very weird problem with my chrysanthemum stars.
They burn nicely and send out a nice shower of sparks. The problem is that after they have burned the stars continues to glow. And that they'll do all the way down to the ground.
The stars are dry screened together, then dampened and cut.

Any clues on what’s wrong? Why won’t they pass out after they've burned?


Substitute Pvc With Parlon

17 February 2008 - 02:18 PM


I've tried searching but without luck :(

I've two forumlas, one using PVC and the other parlon:

Purple Organic (Bleser)
68 Potassium Perchlorate
11 PVC
9 Strontium Carbonate
6 Copper (II) Oxide
5 Dextrin

Blue Organic (Conkling KP #1)
65.00% Potassium Perchlorate
14.00% Copper (II) Oxide
9.00% Parlon
7.00% Red Gum
5.00% Dextrin

My question is, I neither have PVC or parlon and I only want to buy one of them.
I've read that parlon is a bit better so I think I'll go with that one. Which is to perfer?
Are there anything to think about when substituting PVC with parlon?
And lastly is there anyone who has tried these comps? Good colors?


red flash and red star

03 November 2006 - 05:41 PM


planning on buying some chems for new year, I would like to make some colors instead of golden tailed stuff =)
and I'm very interested in making colored flashes/reports, but it is very hard to find formulas!
but I found one.. a red one:
50 Sr(NO3)2
50 Mg
will this work since there is no chloride donor? how sensitive is this comp? will it be "safe" to store for a few days? (in the finished fireworks, will make 3/4" aerial salutes.)

and then I found this Lancaster star:
55 Sr(NO3)2
28 Mg
17 PVC
is this a good red star? (don't need to be a 1'st class star, just want it to burn red and not too fast)

the Mg I can get is less then 100 microns, which is around 140mesh..
one other question, would MgAl work instead of Mg? it is less then 63 microns, so that is less then 230 mesh..
why I ask is because it is more stable in storage and it is cheaper : )
thanks for all help!

potassium nitrate

11 April 2006 - 12:35 PM

I've seen this question at a Swedish pyro/he forum, but they don't seem to have a clue, so I thought it would be better to ask here..

is there some way to make potassium nitrate from NaNO3 and KCl?
the reaction is nice
NaNO3 + KCl = NaCl + KNO3
just that I don't know how I will make them react with each other..

don't care about the difficulties with separating them, I know it's very hard..
and don?t say that it is cheaper just to buy KNO3, because I know that to :)