Issued by Met police then transferred to Herts, no issues.
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Pyrotechnics, Chemistry,Motorbikes/trials riding, Snooker
Posts I've Made
In Topic: A&K Application problems review...
18 March 2016 - 04:03 PM
In Topic: Explosive precursor licencing - Now live!
05 March 2016 - 11:38 PM
Got mine on the 1st (just in time) actually tried to time it so it was valid from the 15/16th as i thought this was the date it became enforceable, luckily i got it within 2 weeks, yes a very long winded process but it seemed to go without a hitch.
I was asked by my doctor to come in for a chat, i think she was a little concerned when a letter from the home office counter terrorism department arrived on her desk. All went well, she even seemed pleased that i'd brought my invisible friend along . I was wondering if this was standard procedure or a one off as having recently moved and changed doctors i'd never actually met my new one...
In Topic: Old Kimbolton video's
03 February 2016 - 11:11 PM
Kimbolton have posted a few old videos on their FB page they must of found a box of them in a cupboard somewhere.
In Topic: Why would I have Ammonium chloride
22 January 2016 - 09:23 PM
Also used as a solder flux, no not really the best weather for Neg X
In Topic: Why would I have Ammonium chloride
22 January 2016 - 07:33 PM
I think it's used in some smoke formulas, also negative X
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