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- Age 39 years old
- Birthday March 16, 1986
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In Topic: advice on firing system
05 April 2009 - 11:35 PM
I can really give a good word for the FireOne system! I don't know if there is a retailer in the UK, you might have to order from the States. It is overall one of the best systems out there. The benefit of FireOne is that unlike most digital systems out there, stereo cable is used in stead of XLR to connect the control panel with firing modules. Most systems use XLR cables to transfer the signal. The problem with XLR is that the cable is sensitive to damage. Any burning debris can burn through the cable, and render rest of modules useless. XLR cables require protection from fire. Fire one can also be equipped with a wireless radio and a large number of wireless modules, for wireless firing. Our company has currently three controllers and a dozen of modules in use.
In Topic: What are the best reference books for a beginner?
25 January 2009 - 02:18 PM
Material at Pyroguide has to be assessed critically. Much of the information is written by people who do not have enough experience to discuss the subject from a comprehensive point of view.
In Topic: Ball Mills
11 December 2008 - 04:01 PM
Previous post summed it up pretty much! Look for rubbery fuel hose for the roller. As for the jar, you can buy a set of inner tubing for bicycle wheels. Cut the rubber tubing to strips and glue around the jar with epoxy for best durability
In Topic: American firewokrs firm sued by factory over firework
11 December 2008 - 12:49 AM
Drawing any conclusions without knowing the facts nor the circumstances should be avoided. However, I can't help thinking; "Only in America". At least here in Finland, it is a common practice for local display companies to sell products to each other whenever there is shortage in supplies because of third parts involved. Considering the level of legal practice entrenched in the US, I would not be surprised even if something like this would occur.
In Topic: Burning cake cases
24 October 2008 - 12:21 AM
Cakes burn every now and then. Especially display cakes with long duration seem to catch fire. Also dry winter days contribute to burning.
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