Hi guys,
Hows it going?
Just thought that i should let everyone know that i have now succeeded in finding the track i was looking for, which is, by the way, the soundtrack to Robin Hood - King Of Thieves incase anyone else was wondering.
Many thanks!
- UK Pyrotechnics Society Forums
- → Viewing Profile: Posts: PyroKid
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- Group General Public Members
- Active Posts 110
- Profile Views 5,567
- Member Title PyroKid
- Age 38 years old
- Birthday August 20, 1986
Wales, UK
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In Topic: Pyromusical Display - Grand National Horse Race
29 January 2007 - 11:48 PM
In Topic: Nov 3rd 4th 5th pics
09 November 2006 - 11:38 AM
Hey Guys,
Hows it going?
Keep up the good work ...
I am really enjoying hearing what others have been up to over the november period.
As for you creepin pyro, i think you have proven a point that if you are confined to cat 2 material it does not necessarily mean that you are confined to a crappy display - as you have just shown, its not what you use, but how you use it!
As for the Guy in the bonfire society display, I am deeply interested as to the concept behind this magnificent character - is there an entire display set up beneath the decorative coating or is this the basis of what was to be a truely magnificent bonfire .... please tell more as to what exactly is involved in the creation of a magnificent figure such as this.
Hope to hear from you all soon!
Hows it going?
Keep up the good work ...
I am really enjoying hearing what others have been up to over the november period.
As for you creepin pyro, i think you have proven a point that if you are confined to cat 2 material it does not necessarily mean that you are confined to a crappy display - as you have just shown, its not what you use, but how you use it!
As for the Guy in the bonfire society display, I am deeply interested as to the concept behind this magnificent character - is there an entire display set up beneath the decorative coating or is this the basis of what was to be a truely magnificent bonfire .... please tell more as to what exactly is involved in the creation of a magnificent figure such as this.
Hope to hear from you all soon!
In Topic: Nov 3rd 4th 5th pics
07 November 2006 - 12:43 PM
Hi Steve,
Hows it going?
Despite your hectic schedule you seem to have found the time to take some really good pictures!
How many shows did you fire in total this year?
What was the weather like for you?
Here in swansea we were lucky enough to have clear skies / dry ground (appart from the condensation) during the entire weekend where 3 shows took place during the period (fri, sat, sun) - hopefuly i will have video + pics to show in the not so distant future.
Watch this space!
Hows it going?
Despite your hectic schedule you seem to have found the time to take some really good pictures!
How many shows did you fire in total this year?
What was the weather like for you?
Here in swansea we were lucky enough to have clear skies / dry ground (appart from the condensation) during the entire weekend where 3 shows took place during the period (fri, sat, sun) - hopefuly i will have video + pics to show in the not so distant future.
Watch this space!
In Topic: Shugborough Festival of Fireworks
16 September 2006 - 12:05 PM
Hi Guys, Hows it going?
Just a quick one really to let you know that i am well impressed with everyones photos.
Keep up the good work :-)
All the best!
Just a quick one really to let you know that i am well impressed with everyones photos.
Keep up the good work :-)
All the best!
In Topic: Shugborough Festival of Fireworks
04 September 2006 - 02:09 PM
Hi Guys, Hows it going?
Before i go any further i would just like to appologise about the site visit - we were somewhat limited by the fact that we only had 5 crew members attending the event which meant that we were in a bit of a rush to get everything set-up in time which unfortunately meant that a site - visit was out of the question on this occasion, however, with that aside, i hope you enjoyed the show and that the rain didnt put you guys off!
We were due to be firing first however there was a last minute alteration which meant that we were to fire second which was in fact to our advantage considering that we had problems with our firing system at first due to the damp weather conditions
but we eventually got everything up and running and put on a truely spectacular performance!
I couldnt help but feel sorry for orzello who came all the way from Italy to put on a show in order to find that the majority of their fireworks failed to ignite for one reason or another :-(
Jubilee put on a truely spectacular finale which rounded off a great evening of explosive entertainment!
Thats about it for now, hope to see you at southport where we will be firing on the 22nd September!
All The Best!
Before i go any further i would just like to appologise about the site visit - we were somewhat limited by the fact that we only had 5 crew members attending the event which meant that we were in a bit of a rush to get everything set-up in time which unfortunately meant that a site - visit was out of the question on this occasion, however, with that aside, i hope you enjoyed the show and that the rain didnt put you guys off!
We were due to be firing first however there was a last minute alteration which meant that we were to fire second which was in fact to our advantage considering that we had problems with our firing system at first due to the damp weather conditions

I couldnt help but feel sorry for orzello who came all the way from Italy to put on a show in order to find that the majority of their fireworks failed to ignite for one reason or another :-(
Jubilee put on a truely spectacular finale which rounded off a great evening of explosive entertainment!
Thats about it for now, hope to see you at southport where we will be firing on the 22nd September!
All The Best!
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