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Member Since 27 Dec 2004
Offline Last Active Jan 08 2006 08:13 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Chemistry student in b**b alert

22 December 2005 - 10:44 AM

A bit scary really - although I suppose their just doing their job at the end of the day...although you would think they would have kept the story quiet if he was just doing some chemistry (which by the sounds of it he was - released on police bail):

Teenager bailed over "b**b alert"

Its still a bit impractical to run chemistry experiments (pyro or not) in a small terraced house like that - not just for their safety but for the local residents also. :ph34r:

Anyone from Lancashire here that can give us more info?

In Topic: I had an accident - Regarding: Ramming rockets

19 December 2005 - 04:18 PM

still expensive tho.

I must say his prices are expensive - I wonder what he buys it at? I've been trying countless times to get a cheap, reliable fuse supplier for the U.K., but I still can't manage it :glare: Could anyone PM me with details on good visco sources? It should help me avoid getting those burns with any luck!


In Topic: I had an accident - Regarding: Ramming rockets

17 December 2005 - 11:00 PM

Hi guys, my first post!

I've been doing pyro for about a year now - but until yesterday I hadn't had any accidents. Funnily enough it happened when I was rushing around and not taking care - and I lit a *very* small amount of Mg/S flash with about 5cm visco without any gloves on. Well, the fuse sparked ahead straight to the flash and a great gout of flame enveloped my thumb!!!

It completely dried the skin out and partially melted the end of my nail with the heat of it - but I managed to get it straight under cold water so its not too bad today thank god! Took about 5 minutes for the pain to register though :blink:

Certainly reminds you that you always need to take the proper saftey precautions in this hobby!

Speaking of gloves btw, have you seen that advert for the "Ove' Glove"? Apparently it's kevlar - so it should protect against high temperatures...might ask for one for X-mas ;)